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Doing Photoshoot for the first time in 2022

Getting in front of a camera for the first time (or first few times) can be intimidating. in fact, even pros still get cases of nervousness. so don't worry, it's natural.

We have worked with a number of first time models before and we have a good understanding of what to expect and how to get the most out of shooting with someone new. The best advice I can give is don't worry about it. relax. We will do whatever we can to create the type of environment where you can do just that.

We consider a photoshoot to be a collaborative and creative effort between the model, the photographer, the make-up artist, and the rest of the team. We welcome all exchanges of ideas and We are always open to experimenting and trying something new.

Many first-time models worry about posing. When it comes to working with new models, We don't expect the person we are shooting to have an arsenal of different poses at their disposal, We never pressure anyone to perform. We work with you, with the skills you have, and provide as much guidance and direction as you'd like until we're both happy with the results.

We always have plenty of reference material available at my shoots and you are more than welcome to bring your own. This includes magazines, posing books, photos, and anything else that might help you get ideas about looks or poses that you'd like to try. All of these items are freely available to refer to and get ideas from while we're shooting. Many of the experienced models we work with will still look at magazines while we're shooting to draw ideas from.

The Bombay Studio is the perfect place for you to get your Portfolio Shoot.


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